Saturday, March 24, 2018

Kith and Kin Everywhere,

With the outstanding help of Marquita, a blog-making genius, and the Whiz Kids, especially Brett Telliard, I have switched from an email "spammer" as gmail decided to label me.  I am now a tried and true, certified, rabid conservative blogger of things mundane and/or geopolitical with an emphasis on Asia and Middle East.  I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican, although registered as a Republican.  I am an American. 

I'm not a religious person except that my life has been centered around the teachings of Judeo-Christian tenets, mores and folkways.  My 43 years in the Navy Reserve with five recalls to active duty changed one tenet.  "Do unto others before they do unto you," in the case of warfare.

Now, I'm still not understanding of how this marvelous Web works nor do I care.  Being born in the 1920s and educated in the 1930s and with belated college in the 1960s, I was witness to the beginning of a seachange in education into John Dewey's "progress education" theory.  Taking a century to install into public schools and colleges, it has destroyed much of how I was taught -- to the detriment of our democratic republic.  

My undergraduate degree is in History with a concentration on the Western Movement of America.  Now, that mimics the story of my family's history as my own ancestor arrived in Virginia Colony as an Oliver Cromwell Prison-of-War.  He being a "medic" in Charles II's Scot army that was defeated at the Battle of Dunbar in 1650.  Confined in captivity for four years, finally he was shipped to America as a POW, an indentured servant -- a slave in 1654.

So, I can't buy into the many generations of whimperings about the enslaved Blacks.

In my not-so-humble opinion, those Americans who have more melatonin than average have been savaged and ravaged by the Democrat Party merely for the power to be had over a down-trodden portion of our citizens.  Once slaves, so was my forefather -- suck it up!

With some side bars here and there, my readers will be offered what I believe may be America's greatest danger:  Communist China and its New Silk Road.  Going by many names -- OBOR, BRIC, among them, the infrastructure is either in place or underway throughout Central Asia, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, Africa and the Middle East.

But, you can find not much in our decadent media even though its potential is to reduce the USA to a pauper, Third World status.  Although Communist China says it is sort of its version of America's post-WW2 Marshall Plan, we think it is world domination as espoused by such as Karl Marx, George Soros and the Progressives that have captured lock, stock and barrel the Democratic Party.  Not that I'm opinionated or anything!!!!

Stay tuned as I expound on the progress and implications as we all contribute to our demise every time we buy a Chinese-made product.  And, it's harder and harder for us to purchase consumable goods made anywhere else.  We can thank the Clinton Cabal, the G.W. Bush fumble and Barack Obama's hatred of America for allowing this to occur; again, IMHO.  

Russia?  Pish-tosh!  Putin's greedy eyes are upon a warm-water port.  The USA media is creating a smokescreen to hide the Sino intent.

Now, argue with my statements and back up your arguments with facts.  Or agree, if you do.

PT Jack, the Neanderthal

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