Thursday, March 29, 2018

A Harangue About

Kith and Kin Everywhere,

In my not-so-humble-opinion, we fat, happy, yet dumbed-down Americans are being led down the road to disaster and slavery.  No, no, not us, but our future -- our progeny, who already exhibit the beginnings of a future like cattle being led to slaughter.

For fear of being labelled a right-wing, conspiracy wacko -- which I might be -- I must emphasize my analysis that both the Republican and Democrat Parties have ceased to exist except in name.  Both have been captured by the Progressives and, therefore, should be so labelled.  And just what is the background, the history of the Progressive?

With my BA cum laude in History and a Master's thesis written in Historical Geography, then abandoned, along with a long lifetime of high interest in Geopolitics, here's my take on how the Founding Fathers' dream of a new concept of individual freedom is being savaged, ravaged and in danger of being discarded.  To oversimplify in order for the high school drop-out to comprehend even if that drop-out flunked junior high.  In other words, "lowest common denominator," not that you need it, but maybe someone peeking in might.

President Woodrow Wilson was an egghead before the term was originated -- the only PhD President ever.  It would seem that he might have not trusted those citizens of us to run the loose organization of a representative democracy.  He would have wanted a panel of the higher educated and talented "elite" to run the machinery of government to the advantage of us common folk.  The clandestine Progressive Party is hung nearly if not directly upon the ladder of Karl Marx' and Frederick Engels' concepts of Communism.

Reflect back in your American History; the days of the industrial moguls and the poor, immigrant worker slaving in miserable work environments while living in tenement apartments in the growing cities.  Recall the history of sidewalks, even.  Before the 1860s, sidewalks were the domain of the property owner; Karl Marx et al preceded that by almost 20 years, he wrote Das Kapital in the 1840s.  Concrete city sidewalks began to come into vogue in the 1880s.  Does that set the tone?

Wilson, as well as I can understand it, thought that the "igornant" citizen didn't have the knowledge to run the corporation that was the USA -- remember the PhD?  Apparently, his thoughts were more along the line of today's corporations with a CEO (the President) with a Board of Directors subservient to the CEO (the Congress) and a bunch of worker bees running the day-to-day operation.  This is not exactly historically correct, but you get the idea.

Remember that he and his administration introduced some major changes in the Constitution that wrought a violent wrenching to the USA.  He brought about the 17th Amendment, forever changing States Rights by the way Senators were elected and his Congress created the Federal Reserve Act which he had vetoed.  That diminished the power of the U.S. Treasury -- both occurred in 1913.  The Treasury thus became beholden to the whims of a cabal of bankers and no longer under the direct control of Congress -- by extension, the voting citizenry.

He sought under his "Fourteen Points" the creation of the League of Nations, the first attempt at One World governance.  It flopped.  As WW2 came to a close, the United Nations came into being and we all know what a disaster that has been.

All of this points toward his goals that are labelled "progressive."  At the same time, public education under the philosophical influence of John Dewey was abandoning the prior "readin', 'ritin' and 'rithmetic" as well as the studies of the Classical Period of Greece and Rome during which were laid the principles of America by the Founding Fathers.  Never before in the history of Mankind had there been such an experiment in freedom under a representative democracy.

Dewey's Progressive Education system was designed not to create the background of thought and reason as laid out in the Classical Period of civilization under which the USA's unique form of governance was created by the Founders.  Instead, to reduce it to simplicity, education of the "masses" would be to turn out "mechanics" to operate a society.  To be sure such mechanics would still produce doctors, lawyers, candlestick makers, engineers, toilers, housewives, secretaries and teachers -- but Classical history died.  You may turn the clock back and try to remember how much of the Classical Period you were allowed to study in school.

Your mandatory math was limited and you for sure never learned to write cogent and lengthy essays in public schools of the post-WW2 period.  History; not much in detail, especially about the martial periods of America's development.  Science; a touch on biology at best.  Civics: just an overview and math was to be avoided by most students at all cost beyond algebra.


That was John Dewey's "contribution" to the Wilsonian Progressivism.  Who needed to know the "how" of America's greatness as long as you could design a building or repair a faucet or overhaul a piece of machinery?  All of the foregoing has produced the schism in the America in which we live today.

Geography?  Who needs that?  Who cares what is going on with China's New Silk Road?  We have the opening of the season of the MLB and where the Super Bowl will be next year, especially we want to watch to see the expensive and clever commercials to get you to buy, buy, buy.

And we haven't even touched on the poor, brainwashed teachers of today.  Products of the John Dewey disaster, they are so poorly paid that in 1971 with a Community College Credential in Earth Sciences in my pocket that I had to turn down a proffered college teaching job.  And I truly wanted that job!  With three teenagers at home, however, the salary might have fed only one and I loved them all.

Stay tuned -- I'm going to leave this soapbox to your own exploration of Progressivism and John Dewey via the Web and return to the One Belt One Road initiative that I predict might reduce the USA to Third World status without a shot being fired.

Pretty clever, these Chinese.

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